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 preview talent Voleur

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2 participants

Messages : 161
Date d'inscription : 22/03/2010

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MessageSujet: preview talent Voleur   preview talent Voleur Icon_minitimeLun 31 Mai - 11:56


•Feint - Performs a feint, causing no damage but lowering your threat by 4%, making the enemy less likely to attack you. In addition, reduces the damage you take from area of effect attacks by 50% for 6 sec.


•Vanish - Allows the rogue to vanish from sight, entering an improved stealth mode for 3 sec. For the first 3 sec seconds after vanishing, damage and harmful effects received will not break stealth. Also breaks movement impairing effects.

•Cloak of Shadows - Instantly removes all existing harmful spell effects, provides momentary immunity against all damage and harmful effects, and increases your chance to resist all spells by 100% for 5 sec. Does not remove effects that prevent you from using Cloak of Shadows.


•Armor Skills - Leather armor is the best armor for Rogues, although Rogues are also able to wear cloth armor.

•Hunger For Blood - Removed.

•Vendetta - 30 yd range, Instant, 2 min cooldown. Marks an enemy for death, increasing all damage you deal to the target by 20% [NYI - special abilities only for now] and granting you unerring vision of your target, regardless of concealments such as stealth and invisibility. Lasts 30 sec.
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Messages : 24
Date d'inscription : 23/03/2010
Age : 45
Localisation : Guyancourt (78)

preview talent Voleur Empty
MessageSujet: Re: preview talent Voleur   preview talent Voleur Icon_minitimeSam 5 Juin - 15:21

Errffff ! Je savais pas qu'il fallait se mettre à l'Anglais en plus ! lol!
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