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 Preview talent guerrier

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Messages : 161
Date d'inscription : 22/03/2010

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MessageSujet: Preview talent guerrier   Preview talent guerrier Icon_minitimeLun 31 Mai - 11:54


•Thunder Clap - Blasts nearby enemies increasing the time between their attacks by 19% for 10 sec and doing 16 damage to them. Damage increased by attack power.


•Commanding Shout - Costs No Rage - Instant - 60 second cooldown - Increases Stamina of all party and raid members within 30 yards by 1080 and gaining 10 rage. Lasts 120 sec. (Possible error, check in game)

•Battle Shout - Costs No Rage - Instant - 60 second cooldown - The warrior shouts, increasing strength and agility of all raid and party members within 30 yards by 16 and gaining 10 rage. Lasts 120 sec.

•Booming Voice - [Rank 1] - Your Battle Shout and Commanding Shout abilities generate an additional 1 rage when used.

•Booming Voice - [Rank 2] - Your Battle Shout and Commanding Shout abilities generate an additional 2 rage when used.

•Blood Craze - [Rank 1] - You have a 10% chance to regenerate 3.0% of your total Health over 5 sec after taking damage.

•Blood Craze - [Rank 2] - You have a 10% chance to regenerate 5.5% of your total Health over 5 sec after taking damage.

•Blood Craze - [Rank 3] - You have a 10% chance to regenerate 8.0% of your total Health over 5 sec after taking damage.

rien sur la spé protection ... dommage Sad
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