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 Preview talent DK

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Messages : 161
Date d'inscription : 22/03/2010

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MessageSujet: Preview talent DK   Preview talent DK Icon_minitimeLun 31 Mai - 11:50

En direct de l'alpha, voila un avant gout des futures talent du DK .

La flemme de traduire tout ca aujourd'hui.

Sinon, de mon avis :
Bon, jouant deja en spé sang pour tanker, , je dois dire que le changement des talent est ... GORE !! c'eest tout simplement des truc de malades les talent en spé sang et cela laisse presager une vague de nerf massif et intensif.
En effet vu les up que recoive les technique du DK ... pour ceux qui ont deja tester le DK, ils comprendront ce petit paragraphe :
Une troisieme maladie en spé sang. Les tank recupere la lame incrusté de sang ( autrement dit , une attaque sup grratis 30% du temp) , on recupere aussi le bouclier d'os tel qu'il existe actuellement ( ya bon pour les pull ou pour les transition de phase pour up la reduction de damage/ dps), les changement sur lesvers de sanfg qui sont marrant maintenant ( ils soignenet les cible prochent autant que vous meme maintenant, et la lame runique dancante qui vous augmente la parade de 21% que du bon maintenant ce sort.seul bémol, la volonté de la necropole un peu bizarre. Pour les autres spé ...adieu la regen. la presence de givre qui remplace la presence de sang actuel, ne confere plus d'auto-soin. Aussi, bien que les talent DPs semble sympatihque, on perd pas mal en capacité de solotage d'elite nottament, on devra aussi s'arrettais pour regen puisque la frappe de mort devient un talent de tank. Et toujour un grand doute sur la possibilité de faire un DK ambi optmisé pour le DPs lorsque l'on vois le talent de tueur que l'on as si on tape en spé givre avec une arme à 2 mains.

aller place à l'info.


•Bloodworms - Your weapon hits have a 3% chance to cause the target to spawn a Bloodworm. The Bloodworm attacks your enemies, gorging itself with blood until it bursts to heal nearby allies. Lasts up to 20 sec.

•Dancing Rune Weapon - The rune weapon also assists in defense of its master, granting an additional 21% parry chance while active.

•Veteran of the Third War - No longer increases strength. Increases your total Stamina by 4/7/10% and your expertise by 7.

•Improved Blood Presence - While in Frost Presence or Unholy Presence, you retain 2/4% damage reduction from Blood Presence, and the chance you will be critically hit by melee attacks is reduced by 2/4% in Blood Presence.

•Heart Strike - Instantly strike the target and up to two additional nearby enemies, causing 100% weapon damage plus 125.5 on the primary target, with damage reduced by 25% on each subsequent target. Each target takes 10% additional damage for each of your diseases active on that target.

•Blood Presence - The death knight takes on the presence of Blood, increasing Stamina by 9%, armor contribution from cloth, leather, mail and plate items by 61%, and reducing damage taken by 7%. Increases threat generated. Only one Presence may be active at a time.

•Bone Shield - 60 sec cooldown. The Death Knight is surrounded by 3 whirling bones. While at least 1 bone remains, Ghe:she; takes 19% less damage from all sources and deals 3% more damage with all attacks, spells and abilities. Each damaging attack that lands consumes 1 bone. Lasts 300 sec.

•Blood-Caked Blade - Your auto attacks have a 10/20/30% chance to cause a Blood-Caked Strike, which hits for 25% weapon damage plus 13.0% for each of your diseases on the target.

•Toughness - Increases your armor value from items by 2/4/6/8/10% and reduces the duration of all movement slowing effects by 6/12/18/24/30%.

•Death Strike - A deadly attack that deals 151% weapon damage plus 170.63 and heals the Death Knight for $F% of Ghis:her; maximum health for each of Ghis:her; diseases on the target.

•Might of Mograine - Increases the damage dealt by your Blood Strike, Heart Strike, and Rune Strike abilities by 5/10/15/20/25%.

•Sanguine Fortitude - While active, your Icebound Fortitude reduces damage taken by an additional 10/20/30% and costs no runic power to activate.

•Hemorrhagic Fever - Gives your Blood Boil a 50/100% chance to afflict enemies with Hemorrhagic Fever, reducing their physical damage dealt by 9% for 30 sec.

•Crimson Scourge - Increases the damage dealt by your Blood Boil by 15/30/45%.

•Improved Death Strike - Increases the damage of your Death Strike by 15/30/45%, increases its critical strike chance by 4/7/10%, and increases the healing granted by 25/50/75%.

•Blood Swarm - When you Plague Strike a target that is already infected with your Blood Plague, there is a 20/40/60/80/100% chance that your next Blood Boil will consume no runes.

•Will of the Necropolis - [Rank 3] - [Level 1] - When a damaging attack brings you below 30% of your maximum health, you generate a Blood Rune and the cooldown on your Rune Tap ability is refreshed, and all damage taken is reduced by 9/18/27% for 8 sec. This effect cannot occur more than once every 15 seconds.


•Icebound Fortitude - No longer grants additional damage reduction based on Defense for 12 sec.

•Guile of Gorefiend - No longer increases Icebound Fortitude duration.

•Improved Frost Presence - While in Blood Presence or Unholy Presence, you retain 3/6% increased runic power generation from Frost Presence, and your bonus damage while in Frost Presence is increased by an additional 3/6%.

•Pillar of Frost - Instant, 60 sec cooldown. Calls upon the power of Frost to increase the Death Knight's Strength by 21%. Icy crystals hang heavy upon the Death Knight's body, providing immunity against external movement such as knockbacks. Lasts 20 sec.

•Improved Icy Touch - No longer buffs Frost Fever.

•Annihilation - Increases the damage dealt by your Obliterate ability by 10/20/30%.

•Rime - Your Obliterate has a 15/30/45% chance to reset the cooldown on Howling Blast and cause your next Howling Blast or Icy Touch to consume no runes.

•Frost Fever - Now reduces the target's melee and ranged attack speed by 21% for 30 sec. Up from 14%.

•Frost Presence - Strengthens the Death Knight with the presence of Frost, increasing damage by 11% and increasing Runic Power generation by 11%.

•Runic Empowerment - When you use your Death Coil, Frost Strike, or Rune Strike ability, you have a 8/46/24/32/40% chance to activate a random fully depleted rune.

•Brittle Bones - Your Frost Fever chills the bones of its victims, increasing their physical damage taken by 2/4%.

•Might of the Frozen Wastes - When wielding a two-handed weapon, your autoattacks have a 15/30/45% chance to generate 11 Runic Power.


•Unholy Presence - Now also increases rune regeneration by 11%.

•Virulence - Increases your chance to hit with your spells by 1/2/3%.

•Magic Suppression - Increases the spell damage absorption of your Anti-Magic Shell by an additional 9/18/27%, and increases the runic power generated when damage is absorbed by Anti-Magic Shell.

•Improved Unholy Presence - While in Blood Presence or Frost Presence, you retain 8/16% increased movement speed from Unholy Presence, and you gain an additional 3/1% (Possible error, check in game) haste while in Unholy Presence.

•Scourge Strike - An unholy strike that deals 100% of weapon damage as Physical damage plus 344.41. In addition, for each of your diseases on your target, you deal an additional 13% of the Physical damage done as Shadow damage.

•Corrupting Strikes - Increases the damage of your Plague Strike and Scourge Strike abilities by 10/20/30%.

•Night of the Dead - Reduces the cooldown on Raise Dead by 45/90 sec and the cooldown on Army of the Dead by 2/4 min.

•Anticipation - Removed.

•Unholy Frenzy - 30 yd range, Instant, 3 min cooldown. Induces a friendly unit into a killing frenzy for 30 sec. The target is Enraged, which increases their melee and ranged haste by 10%, but causes them to lose health equal to 3% of their maximum health every 2 sec.

•Sudden Doom - Your autoattacks have a 5/10/15% chance to make your next Death Coil cost no runic power.

•Epidemic - Increases the duration of Blood Plague and Frost Fever by 3/6/9/12/15 sec.

•Resilient Infection [NYI] - When your diseases, other than those applied via Pestilence, are dispelled, you have a 50/100% chance to have their cost refunded.
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Messages : 161
Date d'inscription : 22/03/2010

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MessageSujet: Re: Preview talent DK   Preview talent DK Icon_minitimeMar 1 Juin - 19:59

il y a eu un petit rajout avec un pofinage des talent ( des chiffre rond ou des multiple plus logique, etc ... )
On notera aussi : un réajustement des degat de toutes nos techniques au vue du ralentissement du rythme de regen des runes ( ainsi que la mise au point du nouveau systeme de rune.

Talent Changes:

- Epidemic now has 5 ranks (up from 2).
- New talent Resilient Infection - When your diseases, other than those applied via Pestilence, are dispelled, you have a 50/100% chance to have their cost refunded.
- Hysteria replaced by Unholy Frenzy - Induces a friendly unit into a killing frenzy for 30 sec. The target is Enraged, which increases their melee and ranged haste by 10%, but causes them to lose health equal to 3% of their maximum health every 2 sec. No cost. 30yd range. 3min cooldown
- Outbreak (old tier 2 Unholy talent) renamed to Corrupting Strikes and now increases Plague Strike and Scourge Strike's damage by 30% (old: Plague Strike by 30%, Scourge Strike by 20%).
- Night of the Dead no longer includes your ghoul's AoE avoidance.
- Blood-Caked Blade was moved to the Blood tree.
- Bone Shield was moved to a low-tier Blood tree talent.
- 3/3 Wandering Plague modified to 50% additional damage (down from 100%).

- Improved Icy Touch changed to only increase your Icy Touch damage by 15% (old included: reduces melee/ranged attack speed by an additional 6%).
- Toughness replaced by the new talent Runic Empowerment - When you use your Death Coil, Frost Strike, or Rune Strike ability, you have a (8/16/24/32/40%) chance to activate a random fully depleted rune.
- Annihilation now increases Obliterate's damage by 10/20/30% (old: Increases the critical strike chance of your melee special abilities by 1%. In addition, there is a 33% chance that your Obliterate will do its damage without consuming diseases.)
- Deathchill replaced by the new talent Brittle Bones - Your Frost Fever chills the bones of its victims, increasing their physical damage taken by 2/4%.
- Unbreakable Armor replaced by the new talent Pillar of Frost - Calls upon the power of Frost to increase the Death Knight's Strength by 20%. Icy crystals hang heavy upon the Death Knight's body, providing immunity against external movement such as knockbacks. Lasts 20 sec. Costs 1 Frost rune. Instant. 1min cooldown.
- Rime now gives your obliterate a 15/30/45% chance to reset the cooldown on Howling Blast and cause your next Howling Blast OR Icy Touch to consume no runes. (old: Increases the critical strike chance of Obliterate and Icy Touch by 5%. Causes only your howling blast to consume no runes).
- Improved Frost Presence: While in Blood/Unholy presence you retain 2% increased runic power generation from Frost presence and your bonus damage while in Frost Presence is increased by an additional 2%.
- Guile of Gorefiend no longer increases your Icebound Fortitude's duration.
- New talent: Might of the Frozen Wastes: When wielding a two-handed weapon, your autoattacks have a 15% chance to generate 10 Runic Power.

- Subversion replaced with Exsanguinate - Vendetta renamed.
- Death Rune Mastery replaced by Might of Mograine.
- Might of Mograine replaced by Death Rune Mastery.
- Dark Conviction repaced by Bone Shield (bone shield remains unchanged).
- Blood-Caked Blade, Toughness, and Bone Shield are now in the Blood tree.
- New talent: Hemorrhagic Fever - Gives your Blood Boil a 50/100% chance to afflict enemies with Hemmorrhagic Fever, reducing their physical damage dealt by 10% for 30 sec.
- New talent: Crimson Scourge: increases the damage dealt by your Blood Boil by 15%.
- Improved Blood Presence: While in Frost/Unholy presence, you retain 2/4% damage reduction and the chance you will be critically hit by melee attacks is reduced by 3/6% in blood presence.
- Improved Death Strike granted another rank. Increases the damage of your death strike by 15/30/45%, increases its critical strike chance by 3/6/9 %, and increases the healing granted by 25/50/75%.
- Bloodworms replaced by Blood Parasite - Your weapon hits have a 3/6/9% chance to cause the target to spawn a Bloodworm. The Bloodworm attacks your enemies, gorging itself with blood until it bursts to heal nearby allies. Lasts up to 20 sec.
- Blood worm: Initial Health: 10187. Stacks Blood Gorged - May burst, healing neraby allies for 10% of its maximum health. Stacks 14 times.
- New talent Sanguine Fortitude - While active, your Icebound Fortitude reduces damage taken by an additional 10/20/30% and costs 33/66/100% less runic power to activate.
- Will of the Necropolis changed - When a damaging attack brings you below 30% of your maximum health, you generate a Blood Rune and the cooldown on your Rune Tap ability is refreshed, and all damage taken is reduced by 8/16/24% for 8 sec. This effect canot occur more than once very 15 seconds.
- Veteran of the Third War changed to increase your total stamin by 3/6/8% and expertise by 2/4/6.

Ability Changes:
- Rune System redesigned. More on that here: World of Warcraft - English (NA) Forums -> Cataclysm Class Preview: Death Knight
- Frost Fever and Blood Plague now has a base duration of 30 seconds (up from 15).
- Ebon Plague now increases magical damage by 9% (down from 13%).
- Re-applying FF/BP before it runs out adds 2 seconds to it's current duration.
- FF/BP damage ticks no longer clip when re-applying diseases.
- Horn of Winter now increases your total strength and agility by 419 (up from 155).
- Death and Decay now costs 1 Unholy Rune.
- Scourge Strike now costs 1 Unholy Rune.
- Howling Blast now only costs 1 Frost Rune.
- Rune Strike is now instant.
- Diseases spread from Pestilence deal half damage.
- Icebound Fortitude no longer gains additional damage reduction based on defense.
- Obliterate no longer consumes diseases by default
- Blood Presence - The death knight takes on the presence of Blood, increasing Stamina by 8%, armor contribution from cloth, leather, mail and plate items by 60%, and reducing damage taken by 8%. Increases threat generated.
- Frost Presence - Strengthens the Death Knight with the presence of Frost, increasing damage by 10% and increasing Runic Power generation by 10%.
- Unholy Presence: Increased attack speed and rune regeneration by 10%, movement by 15% (old: Increases attack speed by 15%).
- Hysteria replaced by Unholy Frenzy - Induces a friendly unit into a killing frenzy for 30 sec. The target is Enraged, which increases their melee and ranged haste by 10%, but causes them to lose health equal to 3% of their maximum health every 2 sec. No cost. 30yd range. 3min cooldown
- Unbreakable Armor replaced by the new talent Pillar of Frost - Calls upon the power of Frost to increase the Death Knight's Strength by 20%. Icy crystals hang heavy upon the Death Knight's body, providing immunity against external movement such as knockbacks. Lasts 20 sec. Costs 1 Frost rune. Instant. 1min cooldown.
- Dancing Rune Weapon now grants an additional 20% parry chance while active.

Damage Changes:
- Blood Strike now has a base 80% weapon damage modifier (up from 40%).
- Heart Strike now has a base 100% weapon damage modifier (up from 50%)
- Obltierate now has a base 160% weapon damage modifier (up from 80%).
- Frost strike now has a base 110% weapon damage modifier (up from 55%).
- Rune Strike now deals double it's amount from live.
- Plague Strike now has a base 100% weapon damage modifier (up from 50%).
- Scourge Strike now has a base 100% weapon damage modifier (up from 70%).
- Death Strike has a base 150% weapon damage modifier (up from 75%).
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